Activate Access to Shop and Access to orders in the Roles and user access tab to enable a venue employee to work with orders.
After a user creates an order in the client Shell, a circle indicator appears near the Shop section, indicating a new order. Each order is accompanied by a sound signal in the admin panel. If you want to change the sound, contact our technical support.
The Orders tab displays all orders placed by the user in Shell during the selected period. Using filters you can sort orders by:
- gaming centers (if there are 2 or more of them in the organization);
- period (from the last 6, 12, or 24 hours);
- status (new, in progress, done, cancelled).
The order card displays the PC number where the client placed the order. If the client is logged out of Shell, a question mark will be displayed.
To process an order:
- Click on the "new" order (1). A menu (2) with details and possible actions will appear in the right sidebar. Click on the take to work button or select another action by clicking on the arrow.
Additionally, you can manually drag the card to the desired status (in progress, canceled, etc.). To do this, hold the card with the left mouse button and move it to the desired column. Cards can be moved from left to right only.
- If the order is not paid, click on the pay button and select the payment method: cash or credit card.
- If the order was paid by the client from the account balance, this order can be moved to done or canceled. Money for the purchase will be returned to the user's balance.
- To inform the customer about the status of the order, click send notification. You can write the text yourself or use our templates. Once sent, the message will be displayed to the player in Shell.
- To make it easier to prepare a customer's order, we recommend printing it.
For more information about creating orders in Shell, see this article.
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