The most common reasons for not launching content:
- The path in the content card is incorrectly specified (the path must not contain quotation marks and must be written to the * .exe file);
- Not specified ID of platforms: Steam, Origin,, Riot games;
- The application is not located by the path specified in the content card. Make sure that all applications are installed by the same path on all PCs;
- Applications such as Steam, Mail.RU Game Center, Riot games, Origin, Epic Games Launcher, FaceIT AC, and require additional rights to work correctly, in the “Win user” menu of the content card, select “support”;
- If the path is written correctly and the application is installed at the specified content card path, run it under the support account, if the application does not start, the problem is not with the Senet launcher, but with the application itself;
- If PUBG and FORTNITE freeze at startup, uninstall Geforce Experience (log in under the support account - Start - Settings - Applications. Look for the name “NVIDIA Geforce Experience” in the list, select it, and click the “Uninstall” button. In the opened Nvidia installer window confirm removal of this component). Removing it does not affect the operation of games and applications. Its removal solves the problem, since the freezing of the downloading process of these games is associated with the incorrect program operation.
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