E-launcher is a part of the SENET software, comprising graphical client Shell and a package of system applications and services. E-launcher must be installed on all client PCs.
After installing E-launcher on a PC, customers will see a beautiful shell without access to the desktop, settings, or Windows control panel when they log in. The Shell interface also allows users to run games and programs, track playing time, buy passes, register and edit personal accounts, and do other user actions.
Important! Before installing E-Launcher, ensure all minimum system requirements are met: “clean”, without additional settings, Windows 10 Pro x64 with all the latest updates preinstalled: DirectX, NET.Framework 4.8 (latest version), VCRedist 2015-2019 (x86, x64).
To install E-launcher:
1. Download the latest version of E-launcher to a client PC.
📌 The latest version of E-launcher and the installation key can be found in the right sidebar of Map's Configuration mode.
2. Turn off your antivirus as it may interfere with the E-launcher installation process.
3. Run the downloaded installer as administrator.
4. Enter the installation key and click Install.
5. Restart the PC.
6. Next, you need to authorize this PC. Open the admin panel and go to Map → Configuration mode.
7. An unauthorized PC is highlighted in red. Select the PC and click Authorize.
8. Done!
🔎 By default, E-launcher is installed with Maximal restrictions.
You can change the restrictions applied to PCs with the installed E-launcher.
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